About me

Hi! I'm Álvaro García Sierra, a fourth year Computer Engineering & Videogames Development student

At the moment I am looking forward to finding an internship in the programming field to learn as much as possible and finish my studies.
I consider myself a creative, skilled and reliable person with good problem-solving skills.

Things I Can Do

During my University and also in my free time I've learned many different technologies and I'm eager to learn many more while also reaching the next level in the ones I already know.

  • Advanced coding level in C# and Java

  • Good Html, Python, JS & PHP skills

  • Experience in relational and non-relational databases

  • Experience in game engines like Unity & Unreal

  • High English level

  • Experience in agile methodology techniques

  • Modeling, rigging and animation in 3D


This are some of the projects I have done, I hope you like them!

Dynamic webpage

Dynamic webpage using html,css,javascript and PHP (laravel).

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Main page
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Fully dynamic with options to upload and modify posts
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Admin edition possibilities

Java WebScraper & pdf Generator (with JavaFX)

The aim of the project is to search the best Electricity Company and plan for you depending on your average consumption.

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First step: getting the information about your company and use of electricity (JavaFX).
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Some of information obtained by the scraper
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Admin edition possibilities

Wine Quality Prediction - Python - Artificial Intelligence

For this project a big datasheet of different wines was analized and then used to obtain an Artificial Intelligence to decide the quality of wines depending on this stats. On this project different models were used like Artificial Neural Network,Decision Trees, K Nearest Neighbour algorithm, Random Forest algorithm and Bagging classifier.

Wine Quality Prediction - Python - Artificial Intelligence

For this project a big datasheet of different wines was analized and then used to obtain an Artificial Intelligence to decide the quality of wines depending on this stats. On this project different models were used like Artificial Neural Network,Decision Trees, K Nearest Neighbour algorithm, Random Forest algorithm and Bagging classifier.

Contact me

In case you're interested in me to take part of a new project, feel free to contact me and tell me what it's about.

Email: alvarogarcia111@gmail.com

Phone: 638 17 38 75

Download my CV